Colleen Ryan, Vice President of Colleges and Universities
Department of French and Italian
Indiana University, Bloomington
Tel: (815) 855-1249
E-mail: ryancm@indiana.edu
Colleen Ryan has taught courses across the curriculum at IU from the basic language sequence and Italian and Italian American culture courses in translation, to graduate courses on foreign language teaching methods, advanced courses in gender studies, courses on contemporary Italian and Italian American film and literature, and theater workshops including a variety of performances and productions. From 2007 until 2014, Colleen served as Director of Language Instruction for Italian and since 2015, she has served as Director of Undergraduate Studies for Italian.
Colleen is the author of Sex, the Self, and the Sacred: Women in the Cinema of Pier Paolo Pasolini (University of Toronto, 2007) and co-editor of two volumes dedicated to the teaching of foreign languages through theater arts: Set the Stage! Italian Language, Literature, and Culture through Theater. Theoretical and Practical Perspectives. (Yale, 2009) and Dramatic Interactions: Teaching Languages, Literatures, and Cultures through Theater. Theoretical Approaches and Classroom Practices (co-editor, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2011). In 2014 she published an intermediate-level language program (with Daniela Bartalesi Graf). Caleidoscopio (Pearson) is a second-year textbook project, with strong literary, visual, cinematic and theatrical components. In 2015, she published a co-edited volume with Lisa Parkes titled Creative Thinking.
Colleen’s shorter publications include articles and chapters on Italian women writers, gender representations in Italian cinema, Italian curriculum development, teaching foreign languages through theater, teaching for intercultural competence, and performative approaches learning outcomes and program assessment.
Colleen Ryan is currently President of the American Association of University [Foreign Language Program] Supervisors and Coordinators. From 2013-2015 She was the AAUSC Vice President. From 2009-2011, she served as founding Section Head for Italian.
At this time (2013-2016) Colleen is also the Vice President for Colleges and Universities of the American Association of Teachers of Italian. From 2009-2012 She served as the AATI’s elected Midwest Representative and before that as Chair of the College Essay Competition.
Also a member of the College Board’s original Task Force for AP Italian Language and Culture, Colleen has worked on high school-college curriculum articulation in numerous capacities over the last 10 years. Currently, she is serving a second term as member of the AP Italian Test Development Committee.