Morena Svaldi, Regional Representative
(New England)
Classics and Italian Department
Mount Holyoke
E-mail: msvaldi@mtholyoke.edu
Website: https://www.mtholyoke.edu/directory/faculty-staff/morena-svaldi
Since 2004 Morena Svaldi (Senior Lecturer in Italian) teaches Italian Language and Culture in the Department of Classics & Italian at Mount Holyoke College. Over the years Svaldi received several Mellon Grants to develop blended material for elementary and intermediate Italian. She also worked on several exchange projects between Mount Holyoke College and Italian Universities using videoconferencing. In 2021 & 2023 Svaldi received the Racial Equity Research and Action Grant Program (RERA) to develop an advanced Italian course in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. In 2022 she was awarded by the Italian Consulate in the U.S. and the Department of Education and Foreign Affairs for designing a new course: Innovative Teaching of Italian Culture through Arts and Science. Since 2005 Svaldi organizes and presents at the Five Colleges Italian Symposium in Pedagogy. Since 2014 she is the Faculty Director of the Language Assistant Program, a program that supervises student assistants in ten languages offered at Mount Holyoke College.