Edizioni Edilingua
Center for Italian Studies "BABILONIA"
Taormina, Sicily Academic Programs for U.S. University & College Students
Scuola Di Italiano Per Stranieri Lecce
Centro Linguistico Italiano Dante Alighieri
Chiarissimo for Middle and High School
Wayside Publishing
In the News
AATI College Essay Winners Announced
The AATI College Essay Committee announces the 2017-2018 winners: Nicholas DeMarie (University of Pennsylvania). "Dio, la materia, l'uomo" (miglior saggio in lingua italiana– Professor Eva Del Soldato ) Jordan Costanza (UNC at Charlotte). "Gastronomic...
AATI Statement on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
As a scholarly and educational organization founded on the promotion, advancement, and preservation not only of Italian culture but also intercultural competence, the American Association of Teachers of Italian (AATI), which consists of members worldwide, welcomes...
AATI’s Stance on President Trump’s Executive Order of Jan. 31, 2017
As a scholarly and educational organization founded on the promotion, advancement, and preservation not only of Italian culture but also intercultural competence, the American Association of Teachers of Italian (AATI), which consists of members worldwide, welcomes...
CfP AATI @ Palermo International Conference 2017
CALL For Papers AATI International Conference Abroad Università degli Studi di Palermo 28 giugno – 2 luglio 2017 Conference website: aatipalermo.uark.edu L’AATI (American Association of Teachers of Italian) comunica che il prossimo convegno...
Save the Date: AATI @ Palermo International Conference 2017
L’AATI International Conference Abroad - Università di Palermo - June 28-July 2, 2017 L’AATI (American Association of Teachers of Italian) è lieta di annunciare che il prossimo convegno internazionale avrà luogo presso l’Università degli Studi di Palermo. Il...
Upcoming Events and Deadlines
AATI National Italian Exam
High School Contest Winners The AATI National Italian Exam will be held during the week of March 1-31, 2017. Contact Person: Salvatore Bancheri aati@utoronto.ca
AATI 2016 International Conference: Naples, Italy June 22-27, 2016
Conference Website: click here June 22: Arrival, Registration, Workshops, & Inauguration June 23-June 25: Conference Sessions June 25: Gala Dinner June 26: Tours of Naples June 27: Departure Contact Person: Colleen Ryan, ryancm@indiana.edu
Boston (MA), Nov. 18-20, 2016
Conference Place and Date: Boston (MA): Nov. 18-20, 2016 ACTFL Website: click here Conference Program: click here