AATI Website is Changing Servers

The AATI Website and Membership Database is moving. We should be launching the week of Jan. 15, 2024. Please save the www.aati-online.org web address! You will be unable to renew your membership until that time. We appreciate your patience at this time.


The Executive Council of the AATI  is excited to announce that the 2024 AATI annual conference will be held in collaboration with the Università per Stranieri di Perugia June 19-23, 2024


Join the AATI @ the annual ACTFL Conference

Nov. 22-24, 2024 in Philadelphia

Call for Proposals!

Statement on Ukraine

Dear All,

Our thoughts are with all the people affected by the recent invasion of  Ukraine. AATI – an educational association with strong principles of justice and fairness – stands united in opposition to the attack on the Ukrainian people and their sovereignty. We stand together with you to respond to this outrageous act with kindness and hope throughout this difficult time. We also stand in solidarity with all those people in Russia who have voiced their opposition to this nonsensical war and have been detained or arrested.

Car* tutt*,

i nostri pensieri vanno alle persone coinvolte nella recente invasione dell’Ucraina. AATI – un’associazione educativa/formativa con forti principi di giustizia e equità – si unisce in forte opposizione agli attacchi ai cittadini ucraini e alla loro sovranità. Ci uniamo a voi nel rispondere a tali fatti oltraggiosi con gentilezza e speranza per tutta la durata di questo difficile periodo. Ci uniamo anche in solidarietà a tutte quelle persone che in Russia si sono opposte a questa guerra senza senso e sono state sottoposte a fermo o arrestate.

Teaching Online - Tips, Tricks, and Didactic Units

As teaching is quickly moving online for K-University lessons, please visit AATI’s Teaching Online Resource page.

Società Onoraria Italica

Order your Italian Honors Society Materials TODAY!

AATI Statement on Antiracism

The members of the American Association of Teachers of the Italian (AATI) maintain our position as an antiracist educational organization. As one of the largest international associations of Italian Studies aimed at fostering intercultural appreciation, competence, and acceptance, we condemn all forms of racism and social injustice in the United States, Italy, and around the world.

We recognize our role as an organization of educators and scholars who teach and promote the intersectionality of languages and cultures. In doing so, we seek to eradicate cultural barriers and stereotypes, as well as racist thoughts, speech, and actions that manifest themselves in our pedagogy and on our campuses. Additionally, we support the decolonization of the curriculum to allow for the incorporation of “othered” voices, within our methodology and research.

As representatives of AATI, we will continue to dedicate ourselves to creating diverse, safe, and inclusive classrooms that are open and protective of all students and colleagues, no matter their color, race, or other perceived difference.


Edizioni Edilingua

Center for Italian Studies "BABILONIA"

Taormina, Sicily Academic Programs for U.S. University & College Students

Scuola Di Italiano Per Stranieri Lecce

Centro Linguistico Italiano Dante Alighieri

Alma Edizioni

Fondazione Campus

Lucca, Italy

Chiarissimo for Middle and High School

Wayside Publishing

In the News

AATI Distinguished Service Awards

The purpose of the Award is to recognize and further encourage the achievements and contributions of the members of the AATI for distinguished teaching and or published research in the fields of Italian language, literature, and civilization. The Award, consisting of...

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AATI Essay Contest

The American Association of Teachers of Italian annually awards two outstanding undergraduate college students for an outstanding essay in Italian language, culture, literature, and cinema. Each award carries a cash prize of $500 and an official announcement is made...

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Upcoming Events and Deadlines

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