From the Editor

This issue, like the ones that have preceded it, includes contributions that are highly stimulating and pleasantly readable, worthy reminders of the richness of Italian studies and of its place in the development of Italian literature, language and culture. We are confident that AATI members and all readers will enjoy discovering the contents presented here. In particular, we hope that Looney, Lusin and Granacki’s article, “Italian Enrollments: Trends and Concerns”, will stimulate future submissions of work addressing the current situation of Italian as a second/foreign language on this continent and around the world.

In this issue, Luigi Fontanella remembers Dante Della Terza, an internationally renowned scholar, a passionate teacher, a generous colleague and a dear friend to scores of us in the Italian studies community.

Buona lettura!

Michael Lettieri


The AATI is grateful for the continued support shown to Italica by the Department of Language Studies and the Office of the VicePrincipal Academic and Dean (University of Toronto Mississauga) in providing office space, essential technical assistance, and generous financial support.

Italica (ISSN 00213020) is published four times a year, in the Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter by the Office of publication: Department of Language Studies, University of Toronto Mississauga, 3359 Mississauga Road, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5L 1C6. Copyright © 2021 by the American Association of Teachers of Italian.

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Cover: Mike Perry

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